Saturday, September 30, 2006
Charming Entry
Friday, September 29, 2006
Busy-Busyhan Part II

eto ang kabuuan ng aming busy-busyhan.... :D More busy-busyhan moments here...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
at dahil busy kaming lahat... eto pa... Brainstorming with the IS teammates.
Heheheh ang saya sa office noh? Very professional ang lahat! :D
3 more nights to go before my week ends! :D
Backing Out
We were all so excited, all was set. We were all like anticipating for the day to arrive.
We were supposed to leave Sunday, September 24 right after mine and K'Anne's shift since we were only the ones working on Saturday night. When I got home Saturday morning, I went to bed straight so to have more than eight hours of sleep so that I'll have enough energy to have fun at EK after sleepless night at work.
I woke up at around 5 o'clock in the afernoon and I found that I have messages on my mobile phone. I read it, thinking that it was one of my office buddies who's as escited as I am to have that little trip to Enchanted Kingdom. Yeah, I got it right it was from one of my officemates, Kitty, she said that she won't be able to come with us because her parents didn't let her. I was in dismay for a while but I told myself that there were still four of us left, why not go still. Then after a while I got another message again, this time it's from Red, I pressumed it was sent to all of us who were supposed to go to EK. He said that he can't make it too coz he have LBM that time, and suggested that we call the EK trip off since we can't all got together. I was really dissappointed, my mind was set since we started planning this together. I went back to sleep, woke up, and went to work with a heavy heart. When I got at work, K'Anne is already there and she was also disappointed as I am. We were talking our hearts out over the situation.
EK is not really a big deal for me, but the company and the time that we'll have there is the biggest deal! All of us going together is a very rare occassion, I think it will only happen once in a blue moon, I just wished that the blue moon showed up last September 24. Sigh.
Kitty, tampo parin ako sa'yo.:( Everytime, I asked you out if its not a UAAP game you always refuse. I'm sensing something... :D
And Kuya Red, you always back out on the last minute... remember our little field trip to Intramuros, the trip to Corregidor and this EK thingy? You backed out the last minute and you always have the same reason... LBM! Hmnn... I smell something fishy... ;))
Next time you plan again to go out, I won't be expecting it to push through and I won't commit either, 'coz its always jinxed. :(
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Puerto Galera Getaway

When I got to the port terminal there were several men from those shipping lines trying to win a ticket sale on me. A guy asked me where am I going, I told him I’m off to Puerto, then he asked me back Sabang or White Beach? I have no idea! I went near the ticketing booth and saw the schedule of the trips. I saw that the trip to Sabang is earlier than the trip to White Beach, so I bought a ticket to Sabang. I went inside the port terminal, there were lots of people inside. Then there was a lady who sat beside me, just to be sure about my choice I asked her if where’s better Sabang or White Beach then she told me that White Beach is better than Sabang. I was confused again. I decided to go back to the ticketing booth and have my ticket refunded so that I can buy another ticket to White Beach. When I got there the lady in the ticketing booth doesn’t accept ticket refunds, luckily there was a lady there who’s going to Sabang so I sold her my ticket and I bought one to White Beach. On the schedule board it says that the boat to White Beach will be leaving at 4:30, but because there were few passengers our trip was very delayed. We left Batangas Pier at 6:00, and there were only 3 passengers, all of us were girls and 4 crews of the boat and all of them were men. Our sailing was fine not until we were almost in White Beach, it was like riding the Anchor’s Away ride at EK. The boat is rocking so hard. Maybe if I didn’t have a tighter grip, I could have fell off from where I was seated.
When we got at White beach it was already past 7 o’clock. I started looking for a place to spend the whole time I’m in the island. I saw this not-so-big ad it says ‘Marco Vincent Resort the biggest resort in White Beach’, I followed the resort and it was like a fifteen-minute walk from where our boat docked. I don’t know if that was really 15 minutes or I was just exaggerating. :D And you know it’s really hard to walk on sand carrying your luggage. When I got to the resort, its really true, theirs is the biggest resort in White Beach. I checked in, checked the place then fixed myself and I headed out to the beach front for dinner. I met some people at the resto there, they were really friendly…..
I flopped to bed that night earlier than my usual bedtime. I just felt so tired maybe because of the long trip. I also woke up up earlier than usual, truly "early to bed, early to rise"! I had a great breakfast, courtesy of the resort's complimentary breakfast. After eating, I went to have a walk to the beachfront. I wandered along the shore. Earlier that morning I had the urge to go swimming on the beach, but when I got there I lost interest coz it seems like everyone have company but me. So I just went back to the resort and decided to just swim in the resort's pool. I had the pool for myself, not just the pool but the entire resort. I was their only guest left, that morning, all of their guests be it foreigner and local had checked-out already.
Before lunchtime my brother arrived, and after leaving his things in the hotel we went straight to the beachfront to look for a restaurant where we could have our lunch. After that we went back again to the hotel. I just spent the whole afternoon sleeping, while my brother went to wander around White Beach. He just came back right after sunset and asked me to get up and have dinner. I really felt like relaxing the whole time I was there, and sleeping is my idea of relaxing! You got it right, all I did that day is just sleep.
The following day, we both got up quite late, and we also had of course, a late breakfast! Hehehe. After that my brother finally forced me to swim in the beach, since it would be my last day, I gave in to his idea. We had so much fun swimming!
After swimming, we ate our lunch and went back to the resort and get ourselves ready for our trip back to Manila.
Though I didn't have enough time, I still enjoyed my/our little weekend getaway.
(my brother said that if he only knew that my idea of relaxing is just sleep, he told me that I should have just stayed at home or just checked-in on one of the hotel here at the metro.)
Sunday, September 17, 2006
For the Best
She is my exact opposite. We don’t seem to agree in so many things, from the type of clothes we wear, the books we read, the places we go, the music we listen and the movies and television shows we watch. Between the two of us she’s always been the fashionista and kikay type, and I’m more on the ‘dress-safely’ side, the jeans-and-tee kind of girl. She loves reading romance novels, and I was into adventure the likes of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys when I was growing up. She wants to go to places which I don’t like, she listens to love songs before going to bed and I have alternative music as my lullaby. She loves watching sappy movies be it foreign or local, and I just simply hate those kinds before. By simply putting it, we clash, we always do.
When I was in my teenage years, we always have this cat fight. And mind you, there was never a week that we don’t fight. But despite these differences, we still love each other. And I know and I can say that she loves me and my brother more than anything in this world. And with that great love, we’ve settled our differences. We try to reach out with one another. She even started to like alternative music, and I also learned to love the love songs she listens. And she made me appreciate romance novels, though I rarely read those types but hey I try to when I got no other book to read. And she also learned to love my cooking, or maybe she just got used to it. And maybe she doesn’t have a choice but to appreciate her daughter’s urghhh cooking..
She’s been through so many things while raising us. She juggled jobs, she literally made both ends meet just to give us a comfortable life. Which we are thankful for till this very day. She’s the sister that I never have, the best friend that will never ever leave my side. The fashion guru/make-up artist that never charges a penny but only hugs and kisses. She’s the greatest mom that I ever had (as if I have more than one!). She’s also the coolest mom ever. She lets me sleep over at friends’ houses and the other way around. She covers up for me when my grandmother looks for me when I’m hanging around town with friends. She also helped me sneak in and out of the house when I need to attend late club and society meetings. She’s my confidante, I turn to her to ask for advice in making a decision, whether it’s just a matter of what clothes to wear for a certain affair or what to do with a cheating boyfriend. She’s been very supportive of all my endeavors in life. And she’s always been my number one fan. She appreciates even the littlest thing I do. She’s really the best, I won’t trade her for anything. If given a chance I’ll still choose her to be my mom in my next life.
As mentioned in my previous post, September is my mom’s birth month, September 17. I just want to have something here in my li’l blog dedicated to her. So here it is… ma, we’ve been through a lot, through heaven and hell but we’re still here standing still and loving each other more and more each day. I love you so much. Happy, happy birthday!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
For the Sake of Updating
So, about the trip.. I'll post about it next time (when the pictures are ready), and when I get more time to think about all the things that happened. It didn't sink in yet. Hehehe. I got more than I can cope.
Anyway, just posting this post (yeah, right) to greet my friends who celebrated or will celebrate their birthdays this month.
To Jeyeen --- Happy, happy birthday! We haven't heard from each other since ... christmas 2005? I hope that you're doing great.
Emerlyn --- I'm not really sure about the date maybe because we live in different time zones? ;)) But I'm very sure that you're doing great in your job (as a mom), and that you had a very great time during your birthday.
K'Anne ---- Haven't got you anything yet... I don't have time to scry now.... maybe after this week. Thanks for the siomai!
Kuya Red ---- You too, didn't get you anything but you also owe me, i mean us (sheina and k'anne) a treat!
Mark ---- my best BOY friend! You didn't reply to my message. I hope you're doing just fine. Focus on your review first, forget about girls for now you've got a lot of time for them (us?) after the board exams. :D
Ate Karen ---- haven't heard from you too! Are you still Cebu? Hope we can meet up, I'm planning to go there one of these days. I miss your library. And your brilliant mind!
Neneng ---- I know you're not into the virtual world but I'll greet you still... it's the thought that counts. :)
Ms Filsie ---- my high school teacher who looks like Prue Halliwell (Shannen Doherty). I'm hoping to see you soon. we haven't communicated for about a couple of years. I missed our stories and your sensible advice.
Nathan ---- who among the stone ground will ever forget your birthday? I hope we can go back to Baguio... unplanned again. It's just so exciting! We already tried bull riding last year, how about bungee jumping or sky diving this year?
last but not the least (of course not the least!)....
my mom ---- Ma, love you so much. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. I bought some stuff for you but I already wore some of them...ooops sorry. I just can't help myself, I sooo love some of the stuff that I got for you. But nonetheless there are still few things left for you. Heheheh About your gift... I'm still thinking of what I'm going to get you. But for sure it won't be a birthday card, but it'll be a week late though.
and to everyone who are celebrating their birthdays this month...
Happy Birthday to all of you!
Saturday, September 9, 2006
Treat and Trip
I didn't even get to 'blog' about what had happened when we watched UAAP live at Ultra (ADMU vs UST), though our team didn't win that time, it was still worth it. Its a great game though!
Anyway, I was thinking about going to Baguio tomorrow, almost all is set but yesterday my cousin Trish called me and asked if I could come with her to Singapore tonight because she and her boyfriend were supposed to have that little fieldtrip in Sing, but something came up and her boyfriend can't make it so she's taking me with her instead of him. Though I'm only the second choice, but who cares? That's Singapore we're talking about man! And who am I to say no to that offer? It's all expense paid, as in totally free! When she asked me I didn't say yes right away, of course I thought of it first for about 5 seconds! Whehehehe!
So, were off to Singapore tonight! Yippee! Thanks a lot Trish, love you lots!
Orchard Rd.... Marina Square.... here I come!