Saturday, November 13, 2010

You're so High School!

I got invited by a friend from high school for coffee . Though I'm not sure if we were really friends back then, he was more like my high school crush for 3 years. I was very discreet about him being my crush so he didn't know until we got to college, my friend dated his friend and since we were already 'adults' they decided that it was ok to out me on the guy.

Anyway, long story short, he knows. We both went to different universities, but we had a chance to meet up once or twice I think, I didn't really keep track.(I already had a different crush that time ☺). And recently, we reconnected again through facebook, exchanged our contact numbers and that was it. We never texted, not until today. He told me that he has a conference here in the metro and wants us to meet up. I don't know if I'm just being paranoid, but I feel like he thinks that he can just magically sweep me off my feet. I can feel this confidence in him. But hey its just me. But just so you know, just because I liked you back then, it doesn't mean I like you now. And truth is, I never really know why I even liked you.

So I think, I'll just pass on that coffee, for now. Sorry. ☺

Friday, November 5, 2010


I was browsing the local news' website and found out about Korean actress *Lee Da Hae imitating and mocking(?) the way Filipinos speak English. Honestly, I'm not affected in any way. Seriously, we Filipinos should lighten up! Every time the Philippines or Filipinos are mentioned in any international media we all can't contain our rages especially when we think that we or our country is being mock in any sort of way. We Filipinos are known to be sensitive people, we empathize and sympathize but I think we've gone to the point of being over sensitive. 

If you watch the video of Lee Da Hae it wasn't degrading to us, at all. She was just trying to entertain the viewers. Whether we admit it or not, at certain points of our lives we tried mimicking accents of different countries, and most of the time we exaggerate. Of that I am guilty. And I tell you when I'm with my friends I take on different accents and we all have a good laugh about it after. 

And even Filipinos especially those from the provinces of Visayas and Mindanao (like me) are not spared from the mockery. We are being represented stereotypically on television and movies, the very thick visayan accent, the provincial innocence, and the "manang" (oldmaid-ish) clothes. And you even coined a name for us, the promdis. But I tell you this, NOT all Filipinos out of Luzon are like those you portray on TV and movies. But do you hear us complain? No! Because we are better than that and we know how to differentiate real and reel. And who are we to take away your happiness? As we all know that sterotyped promdis are funny!

So please stop all the hating. Let's not forget that we Filipinos are also known to be happy people. So let's focus on it, let's just have a good laugh about it for a second or two and get on with our lives like we always do.

*Lee Da Hae is known for her role in the Korean series, My Girl