I want to do this photo fun thing because can I get more obvious? It would be fun! You don't need to be a photographer to do this and you can just use your crappy camera, DSLR, SLR or camera phone. Whatever works for you.What's important is you take the photos needed for the day. You may take the photo for a certain day on the day or a day before but you can't use old photos.

June 1 - Self Portrait
June 2 - Your Favorite Shoes
June 3 - Hands
June 4 - Clouds
June 5 - Breakfast Today
June 6 - Books
June 7 - High Angle
June 8 - Sunset
June 9 - Fresh Fruit
June 10 - Animal
June 11 - Silhouette
June 12 - Sun Flare
June 13 - Reminds You of Childhood
June 14 - Someone You Love
June 15 - Action
June 16 - Mason Jar/Jelly Jar
June 17 - Bokeh
June 18 - Eyes
June 19 - Summertime
June 20 - Water
June 21 - Micro (Up Close)
June 22 - Landscape
June 23 - Black and White
June 24 - Love
June 25 - Citrus
June 26 - Favorite Color
June 27 - Your Weakness
June 28 - Transportation
June 29 - Trees
June 30 - Family