Saturday, November 19, 2011

Heart of Dr. Hart


Zoe: Why bother? Why bother go on a first date when I don't know how to be in a relationship?

George: Oh come on now, I hardly believe that is true.

Zoe: It is. When my boyfriend broke up with me, I didn't even really cry. And we were together for 6 years.

George: 6 years? Wow.. uhm that's a long time.

Zoe: Especially because I'm not sure that I ever even actually loved him.

George: Seriously?

Zoe: I thought I did, but we never had one night like Diane Keaton and Woody Allen in that movie. One night when we magically connected, bared our souls. 6 years, I never really let him in. I'm nearly 30 years old and I have never been in a real relationship. Something is just wrong with me.

George: Zoe.. Zoe you know everyone is afraid of making themselves vulnerable. You know? It's about baby steps though. And uh, I tell you what. You did a pretty good job of letting me in just now. So, maybe there's hope for you yet.

"Addie you were right, with the right person it just does flow."  - Zoe to Addie

George Tucker will you do us all a favor and break-up with Lemon already? You and Zoe are perfect for each other. No offense to you Wade. And I intentionally want you to be offended Lemon.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

One Wish

If you could have one wish what would you wish for? – This was the question my brother asked my aunt last night. I overheard their conversation and it got me thinking. It’s quite a tough question. You are about to make a life-changing decision so you have to be very careful in choosing your wish. You don’t want to wish for something that you will regret sooner or later. 

I keep asking myself this question since last night and I still haven’t gotten any answers. Well, I had a few wishes in mind but I haven’t really voted on my ultimate wish. You see, this is really important we should all start thinking about this now if you haven’t yet. You don’t really know when you’ll find a magic lamp and a genie pops up and asks you for a single wish. This isn’t Alladin, it’s real life, so you don’t get to have three, just one. Don’t be choosy.

I have already some ideas:
  1. My dream jobbut this could be a problem, I haven’t even figured out what I would really want to do for the rest of my life.
  2.  Overflowing/unlimited funds   I know money doesn’t make a person happy but I’ve known that shopping does. So this might be it?
  3. World peaceArghh, who am I kidding? He’s a genie, not god! For god’s sake!
  4.  A perfect husbandis there really one?
  5. Ability to teleportwhat would I do with my ability if I’m going to Paris or Fez broke or worst penniless?
  6. Be famousfamous for what? My singing and dancing abilities are just average. And I can never be an actress, I suck at acting! There was this one time in high school when all I had to do was walk in a play and I screw it up. Who screws up walking in a play? Apparently, me.
  7. Be a princessno, I’m too old for this stuff. I should’ve outgrown this dream a decade ago.

This is really hard, I don’t have the wisdom of the youngest Peverell brother. You get what I meant, right? No? Hello Harry Potter? The deathly hallows? No?

 Moving on… maybe I’ll just settle with my second choice. With unlimited funds, I don’t have to work a day in my life, and I can even help people all over the world.  And maybe I’ll eventually be famous or something, I can even be a real princess! With my unlimited funds I can buy an island somewhere and make it my princessdom(?). And I don’t have to teleport, I’ll have my very own jet and that will fly me to wherever. I know this won’t guarantee a perfect husband or world peace but at least I’ll get to make little changes in the world by helping those in need.

How about you? What would you wish for? (I’m still aware I don’t have readers on this blog, so maybe I’ll just wish for readers?)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dear Samantha Brown


Will you be my friend? I know Finn Hudson clearly pointed it out on Glee that it's uncool to ask a person to be your friend. But I just can't help it, I REALLY WANT YOU TO BE MY FRIEND. (Can I put any more emphasis to my last sentence? ) I always wanted to be your friend, but I just recently had the confidence to ask you. You see, gaining confidence is not only the key but I also had to be a hundred percent sure that I want to be friends with you. I need to know that I'm not blinded by your celebrity status and the fact that you are the "girl with the best job in the world". Taking away those two things, I am pretty sure I still want to be your friend. I made a list on why I want to be friends with you. And I'll be making one too for why I don't want to.

  • She always have the perfect hair; even when biking or walking on the beach. Why can't I have perfect hair like hers? Mine gets on my face every time.
  • She looks way younger than her age, maybe traveling does that to her? (But I on the other hand age a few years when traveling, especially when I'm paying.)
  • People she meets on her day job open  up their homes for her, even if they've just met her for a few seconds.
  • She's a great guest to their homes. (Hello she's televising their meeting and their homes?)
  • She's being offered food left and right, front and back. It makes me wonder where she puts all those food? She's got  nice bod.
  • Samantha Brown have GREAT WEEKENDS,
  • and we Asians are all under her spell, SAMANTHA'S ASIA (need I say more?)

  • where would I send my mails? She's all over the world! 

I hope you're convinced now that I really, seriously, pinky swear want to be your friend.

Your future friend,

PS If we ever become friends where should I send your friendship bracelet? But if not, is there a waiting list or something where I could sign up? :-)