It's already the 1st of July! We're halfway to 2009, how quickly time flies. The past week I got a forwarded SMS from a very close friend that says "It's funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different." This is so true. I'm talking about personal experience here people. It seemed to me that I lived and based my life in a time table. Work and home and a little shopping and going out on the side. I used to complain on the way I live my life because it seemed to me that everything is just the same. Same old boring life. But looking back now, I realized that even I thought I lived the same day everyday, everything is so different now. Am I making any sense to you? I hope so, because knowing myself I tend to blab about anything that comes to my head then I tend to deviate from what I just blabbed about.
Anyway I never thought that I'd come this far before I'll figure what I would really want to be doing (not for the rest of my life), let's say before my retirement years. I wouldn't say that I want to be doing this for the rest of my life because who wouldn't want to enjoy spending all day at the beach or in a farm just doing anything you feel like doing? Raise your feet! Ok, snap back to what I'm talking about. I had all the signs all along, I just didn't recognize it, I was busy looking for something that's not there and I bet it won't be there for a long time. I figured this when I was on my way home yesterday. I thought about my high school friends and I recalled our graduation day and the class prophecy that we had. When we were asked what we wanted to be years after graduation I placed there that I would be hosting CNN style. See? It was in me all along! And I recall that I begged my dad (grandfather) to let me take up Broadcast Journalism in college. And now I wonder no more why I'm drawn to news personalities and why I am such a news junkie. I've been fervently praying to god to help me find my way, and alas yesterday it dawned on me. After realizing this, the only thing that I need to figure out is how will I make it come true.
Maybe I'll practice "The Secret" way of doing things, perhaps... do other than that. Or just wait till everything falls right into their proper places. Let's wait and see.
Anyway I never thought that I'd come this far before I'll figure what I would really want to be doing (not for the rest of my life), let's say before my retirement years. I wouldn't say that I want to be doing this for the rest of my life because who wouldn't want to enjoy spending all day at the beach or in a farm just doing anything you feel like doing? Raise your feet! Ok, snap back to what I'm talking about. I had all the signs all along, I just didn't recognize it, I was busy looking for something that's not there and I bet it won't be there for a long time. I figured this when I was on my way home yesterday. I thought about my high school friends and I recalled our graduation day and the class prophecy that we had. When we were asked what we wanted to be years after graduation I placed there that I would be hosting CNN style. See? It was in me all along! And I recall that I begged my dad (grandfather) to let me take up Broadcast Journalism in college. And now I wonder no more why I'm drawn to news personalities and why I am such a news junkie. I've been fervently praying to god to help me find my way, and alas yesterday it dawned on me. After realizing this, the only thing that I need to figure out is how will I make it come true.
Maybe I'll practice "The Secret" way of doing things, perhaps... do other than that. Or just wait till everything falls right into their proper places. Let's wait and see.
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