Wednesday, August 25, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 22

What makes you different from everyone else?


But since we're on it I think I'm different because I am ME, flaws and all.

I may have fibbed a thousand times, but I am not the the type of person that will abandon a family or a friend in times of need.

I am different because I don't stick to the status quo. I deviate. Sometimes I think I'm bipolar in some ways. I like different things at the same time. I have no pattern, deciphering me is like reading an Anne Rice novel.

I may be the only person in the world that can't stand the smell of peanut butter but loves to eat peanuts. I don't eat egg yolks, liver and squash just because.

Often times, I'll be the biggest dork you'll ever know, but I can also be cool if I wanted to. I think the phrase that best describes me is that "I am anything but ORDINARY".

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