Friday, December 31, 2010

A Brand New Year 2011

This is it! 2010 finally reached its end. So long 2010, and hello 2011. But before we officially move on to the new year, (people from this part of the planet, we still have 18 hours left) I want to look back on how the year has been to me. No great milestones as you can obviously see I didn't get married, got myself pregnant or arrested. ☺

2010 generally speaking is quite an easy year for me. I got almost everything that I wanted, and I'm only strictly speaking of material things. And I even had the whole summer off from work. I made  a lot of new friends this year, but sadly I also got rid of few of the old ones. Honestly, I never wanted them out of my life but given the circumstances, I think I'm better off. Also I made it out of an almost-relationship unscathed. I also visited places that I've never been before in my entire life. And this year I only got myself drunk twice. Wait. Is that really worth blogging? Moving on. I'd like to think that I got past my hemophobia (extreme and irrational fear of blood) by watching some TV series, but maybe because I always tell myself that those aren't real. But still, it's a step. Also this year I haven't gone into more than 2 ankle accidents, which I had 6 last 2009. I have very weak ankles you know. And I also visited my family in the province this year.

I know I've been blogging about leaving my job hundreds of times but look at me, still here, hanging on. I won't think about quitting anytime soon, but I'll know when the time is right. Also they said that new year is the time for resolutions but I stopped making one a few years back since I always end up not doing them at all. So all I want to do this 2011 is live each day to the fullest. My mantra is "live like there's no tomorrow", (yes, I know that's a Selena song just zip it) and let's see where that line would get me. Hope not in the delivery room or worst the Police station.

Have a happy new year everyone! Only positivity for 2011!

PS stay safe on new year's eve. You don't want to be a limb less this 2011, do you? ☺

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