Saturday, January 8, 2011


It's just a week after the new year started but I already have a Christmas wish for 2011! It's very early for a Christmas wishlist but then again, I believe in the saying "don't wait for tomorrow what you can do for today". Hahaha! So, I'm getting started really (extra!) early (redundant). :-)

We were at Fully Booked at Bonifacio High Street last Wednesday after I went to the hospital (which by the way is a different story). And we spent most of the time at the book store, it's my favorite place in BGC. I drooled over a lot of books! Yes, books make me drool, as well as clothes and accessories and a lot of other stuff. I read a few books and finished it all! 4 books to be exact. And no, I didn't spend days there just to read the 4 books, the books I'm talking about are tiny books, booklets? Whatever you call it, it only contains hundred pages max.

I so love going the bookstore especially when I have book-loving friends as company. And for this I want a library as big as Fullybooked BGC! Wishful thinking! I'm getting way over my head again. 

Fullybooked, Bonifacio High Street

 Me reading a book (photo taken by Dr. Anzie)

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