- Never ever forget to bring your credentials during your university enrollment if you don't want to hear your mom rapping the whole time. Trust me it's not a good thing. Never will be.
- Don't let the university dictate you on what course you should take, don't take Business Economics, you won't learn a thing and you'll eventually shift to another course. Take Gen Ed instead better yet take Communication Arts you are so gonna love it.
- Avoid a guy named Charles that you'll meet through a block mate, he's bad news for you. What the heck, go ahead... don't listen to me.. he'll be the greatest thing that will ever happen to you (that's what you'll think. But thinking about it now, not really. What was I thinking?)
- For god sake learn how to swim! You are the only person now that doesn't know how to swim.
- Start learning to eat veggies, you are so gonna love them that you'll be thinking on becoming a vegetarian, but you will fail. :-)
- If you think you are having too much fun in college, don't worry about it you'll still graduate on time.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
A Long and Senseless Post
Friday, June 24, 2011
Got Carrie-d Away Again

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Not as Hard as it Seems

- Taking a sleeping pill and trying to stay awake, it is just as hard as
- Drinking Red Bull and trying to get some sleep.
- Swallowing and sneezing at the same time (Not that I tried this before but just thinking about it I know that it'll be hard)
- Chopping some onions without crying your eyes out. (They say there are ways to prevent eyes from tearing up while chopping. Trust me, I tried every way there is and failed every time.)
- Doing what Heidi told Lauren on The Hills on how to get rid of hiccups "drink water upside-down with a pencil in your mouth"
- Admitting to quoting Heidi Montag.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Last Friday Night
Monday, June 6, 2011
Jelly Belly for Brekky
Hottah! Hottah!
Spider Legs
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Writing with a Purpose
I've spent almost my whole shift looking for online writing jobs. So far, I am so far from finding one. I didn't think that it would be this hard. I've been writing, if you consider blogging as writing then I've been writing for over 5 years now. I have no problem writing about anything, everything. Hence, the title of my blogger site Anything, Everything Under the Sun. But I admit sometimes I tend to run out of topic to blog about.
Most of the time my blog is just a word salad, I spew words and I try as I could to mix them into somewhat a decent post. My style of blogging is reflective, I blog about the things that happened, and will happen to me. I also blog about my opinions and observations regarding certain things and that includes my neighbor's cats or my trusty ballet flats. I am a shameless blogger, I blog about even my deepest, darkest secrets. When I come to think of it, they're not so deep nor dark at all but nevertheless.
I've been looking for online writing jobs not because I am jobless, which I'm not. In fact I've been working for over half a decade now. It's just that writing is one of my passions. I am into writing as much as I am into sleeping. And I need to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day, see the picture? And aside from writing being my niche, I heard that they also pay well. A little extra income won't hurt and will come a long way.
So please help me in anyway if you have any idea or a gig for me. I am more than willing.