Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Things To Do

It feels like ages since the last time I wrote something here. I’ve been and still am a cannonball of emotions. I don’t even know where to begin, so many things happened in the last couple of months. Our family lost a dear member, suffice to say that I also lost a part of myself. But I'm done brooding (I suppose), and now I'm up on my heels again ready to take on the world (I really hope so).
With this new-ish attitude I'm making myself a to-do list for the week, the month, the year, and before I turn 30.
To-do list for the week:
  1. Finish the book that I'm currently reading.
  2. Show up for that "thing" no matter what happens (this maybe a life changing thing for me).
  3. Make new friends (this is possible if I'll be able to do #2).
  4. Go house hunting (we seriously need to move out).
  5. De-clutter everything, my room, my life.
To-do list for the month:
  1. Move to a new place.
  2. Read another book or two or three.
  3. Finish a sketch/story. I never accomplish anything these days. Everything just falls into the trash. Yeah, that's kinda my life story.
  4. De-clutter my life (this will always be on my lists)
To-do list for the year:
  1. Learn Cannon on D Major on the piano (my grandmother would be really proud of me wherever she may be)
  2. Travel to at least 5 destinations, domestic or international
  3. Finish my portfolio (this is way too long overdue)
  4. De-clutter my life.
To-do list before I turn 30:

Just so we're clear I still have a few years before I turn 30, but I just remembered the TV movie 7 Things To Do Before I'm 30 so I'm doing this list. I don't know if I'll have 7, as long as I have to accomplish something before I say adieu to my 20s.

  1. Visit at least 20 countries before I'm 30 and I'll be able to that if I accomplish # 2 of my to-do list for the week.
  2. Visit Dubrovnik before it turns to ruins.
  3. Put up a business whether small or huge, it doesn't matter.
  4. Go skydiving. (I ripped it off from the movie, sorry)
  5. De-cluttered my life (take note of the ED, past tense baby)
I'll try my all to accomplish all of these. I'll update this entry as soon as I've accomplished anything on the list.

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