One of the Greatest Days of my Life!
Last Saturday i asked my immediate supervisor for a change of schedule the following day instead of 8:00AM-5:00PM, i asked to change it to 10:00AM-7:00PM. Good thing Sir Wilson (my sup) let me, but he asked me to come earlier for he'll be serving my appraisal. I was skeptical why is he giving my appraisal this early coz the HR already told me that they will serve my appraisal after 6 months of being a Database Developer and that would be on April. I was kinda anxious, coz i was thinking that he will serve my appraisal this early coz he isn't satisfied with my performance and he wants to fire me. God! That would be very sad... I told G-Boy 'bout it and he told me to be optimistic, he said that maybe he is satisfied with my performance and i might get an early regularization. I thought about it, he might be right... but what if he isn't? Oh my God! I don't want to leave my work, and worst case scenario is... i don't wanna go home to the province and tell them that i got fired! I didn't get to have a good night sleep last Saturday, i can't stop thinking about my appraisal the following day.
Sunday morning, i woke up at 8:00AM then i reached the office at 9:30AM. When i arrived at the office Sir Wilson gave me my appraisal form, when i saw it i was delighted! G-Boy was right! My supervisor was pleased with my proficiency and productivity, and my rating is good! And his overall comment is "Recommended for early regularization."! Wow! I can't believe what i read, i can't contain my happiness! I called my mom right away to share the good news, and she was also very proud of me! Oh thank God for all the blessings that he's showered me. I promise that i'll do better in my work, so that they won't regret that they hired me.
Maybe i should stop here... need to work now... I'll write more next time.
pakain naman jan...
sa birthday ko na!:) oi, kaw din san na pakain mo? ang tagal na nun! one year na! wag ganyan ha!:)
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