The executive board director of CCAP, Jay Uligan, told us yesterday that the grand finals night will be flooding with booze, unlike yesterday that only iced tea flooded the floor. And he also promised that there will be professional bands, the like of bamboo, rivermaya, parokya, hale, cueshe and others... Wow! Can't wait till the finals night.
Before the performance--
I think i peed thrice before our performance, i was really tensed. I was afraid that i'll be the cause of failure of the band coz i had this peculiar feeling yesterday that i'll be the jinx of the group. Good thing it didn't happen.
During the performance--
I just set my mind that it was just our final rehearsal so so i won't be that tensed. I just danced to the beat of the music that we were playing, and that really is effective... it swept my tension away! And i was so overwhelmed seeing the audience screaming and dancing with our music. Its already an exhiliration of victory!
After the performance--
We were all satisfied with our performance as well as our officemates. But there's still the tension... though our big boss' told us that it would be ok if we don't get in but still we want to be in the grand finals, who doesn't, right?
The verdict--
When we heard Jay Uligan announcing the top 8 then we heard him shout 'Screenpop" Touch Asia as top 5, we were screaming! Though we were already anticipating that we will get in, it still surprised us. we were like little children screaming while jumping up and down! Then we went to the stage... we can't contain our happiness. We were gamely posing for the cameras! Actualy, i wasn't able to figure where the flickers came from coz it was like in every angle there's a camera! All i did was just smile.. smile... grin... and smile! Feeling celebrity! hahahahaha
I'm happy that we got in because our hard work paid off, but i'm also sad coz that means more upcoming rehearsals and also we need to change our repertoire. So, we really need to work our ass off learning new songs, rehearsing and of course at the same time we need to catch up with our work in the office! Whew! Why can't we be happy without being sad afterwards? Is it what they call balance? Oh my God! But hey, i didn't regret that we got in... i'm very happy in fact. Its quite an honor representing our company in a competition like that. And you just don't know the 'package' that comes with it. All bands will be featured in a lifestyle publication! Do you think that's great enough? That's not yet all... wait till MTV airs the video of the competition. And we also have this HUGE companies as our sponsors, we have Globe, Plantronics, Nestle, TGI Fridays, Enerva, Maalox and a lot more... i just forgot the names of the not so 'HUGE' ones! Apologies....
And the grand prize? Its only a hundred and fifty thousand! See? Can you imagine how big the competition is? The competion is sooooooo overwhelming! Its really, really great!
Hope that we can make it to the top 3 during the grand finals night, but if not... it would be fine. Being one of the finalist is already a great honor! But one thing's for sure... we'll give this our best shot! If that means more sleepless nights of rehearsing that would be fine as long as its for our own good, why not! So see you at the NBC Tent, February 5, 2006 is the date! Rock on Touch Asia!!!! Next time we'll not only bring home the chunk... but the whole pack of bacon! hahahahaha
(We didn't get to have our celebration last night coz my bandmates had individual 'engagements'. So after the competition, i went home straight coz i need to be early the following day, my shift starts at 8:00AM. And also, i would like to thank my brother who went to watch... my valued friends: Nhez, Rey, Joey and Tin. Though Kate and Nathan didn't make it there i'm still thankful for their moral support! Love you so much gels! And to all the Touch Asia peole who went there. And also to my bandmates... who were very patient and supportive. Thank you guys!We'll continue rocking on!:))
sugod mga kapatid... slay all the dragons and bring home/office all the bacons and cheese.
pakain...pakain...pakain...pa rin.
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