Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Favorite Things

Day 19: Something that never fails to make you feel better.

Have you heard of the song My Favorite Things? No? It was sang by Maria in The Sound of Music? No? Really? Do you live in a cave? Anyway, the song is supposed to make you feel better when you are sad. The song is about all your favorite things. Anyway, here's a video of the song for you to have an idea about what I'm talking about.


Here's a list of the things that make me feel better:

  1. Chocolates - my instant pick-me-upper. 
  2. Good book - When I read a good book, I tend to forget about what's happening in the world.
  3. Bacon - I can eat bacon my entire life. If only I wouldn't die of too much fats and cholesterol in my body.
  4. A cold shower - never fails to make me feel refreshed every time.
  5. Candies - Jelly Bellys, Skittles, Nerds... I would welcome you with open arms!
  6. Comforting hug - I'm not a hugger, but I do enjoy comforting hugs.
  7. Shopping - if it's a free shopping spree! 

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