Thursday, November 7, 2013

Why Do People Cheat?

Day 7: Your Opinion on Cheating on People

Most of the time people cheat because they wanted to get ahead. Like students during exams, and politicians so they would win the electoral races. I think the bottom line is they wanted to win so badly that they result to cheating. That, I can understand because we humans always have the urge to win it’s just up to us if we give in to that urge or not.

But when it comes to relationship, it’s a different story. If people cheat to win, then what is there to win if we cheat on the person that we love or care for? In the first place, why would you cheat if you love that person? Because last time I checked, if you love someone you’ll never do anything to hurt him/her. And cheating will definitely hurt him/her. This is a very sensitive topic for me because I have been cheated on more than I wanted to.

Being cheated on is very hurtful, you’ll feel so much pain that will make you question your will to live. It is something that will make the person cheated on to wonder what’s wrong with him/her. In my opinion, if you’re not happy with what you have, then tell the other person so that you’ll no longer prolong your agony. It will hurt, yes. But you will spare the person from another level of hurt, and you’ll spare yourself from hurting other people even more.

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