Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Last Kiss

Day 9: Your Last Kiss

If I knew that I would be doing a blog challenge and this is one of the topics, I would've taken note of the date and time that I last kissed someone. I would've written it on a note or something or maybe Instagrammed it. But I didn't and I know I wouldn't even if I knew that it will be our last kiss. So now I can't remember when exactly was it.

I know it was before my birthday, and of course I remember who and where. I wasn't drunk, neither was he. We were both sane and sober. And I can still remember the people that we're with that day. Don't you worry my non-existent blog readers, next time that I'll kiss someone I'll try my best to record each "occurrence" on my log book so that I'll be ready with my answers. Who knows, in the next blog challenge this question will still come up. Or... One day when I wake up, I will find out that the world is a huge big brother house (or world?) and each one of us is a participant. And I will be asked when was my last kiss as the million dollar question and I'll miss my shot at becoming a millionaire. 

PS I didn't think about this post, I'm so tired from all the eating, laughing and talking with my friends for 6 hours. So please please please pardon my entry.

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