Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Person That I Like

Day 6:  The Person You Like

Do I name the person I like or should I just describe him/her? Anyway, the person that I like who’s not fictional is someone that I see almost on a daily basis. I would like to stress the “not fictional” because I like way too many fictional people and I obsess over some of them too (Harvey Specter, hello?). Well, that’s just me being me. Moving on, the person that I was talking about.. I don’t like him as a whole (is there such a thing?). Will you judge me if I’ll tell you that I only like his body? But before you judge me, please know that HIS body is the ideal body that I want in a guy. He’s tall and buff and he kind of have a pretty face (for a guy) and he has this crazy sense of humor. If I were just a normal girl, I think I would fall for him like most girls (women and old ladies included). But certainly by now you know I’m not most girls nor normal. So, I just don’t find him as someone who will sweep me off my feet. 

In case you're wondering (since he didn't cut the part of being my future boyfriend), I'm still looking for him somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight. :-)

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