Saturday, July 31, 2010

Where You'd Go With an Unlimited Budget?

Ok so I had a similar post about 2 years ago, but if you read it, it's quite different. It was more of a fantasy, although having an unlimited budget is still a fantasy and a far out concept for me as of the moment. (But you wait and see! Hahaha!) Anyway, let's stick to the subject... If I have an unlimited budget where'd I want to go?

Only the circumstances have changed, I'm a gazillionaire now, not a jumper, so it'll be hard for me to just jump from one place to another in a matter of seconds let's be realistic here people. And since I'm a gazillionaire, I don't have to work a day in my life, and I have all the time in this world to travel, shop, eat, sleep and repeat.

So I would probably stay in Italy for a couple of months, I'll visit Rome, the Vatican, Milan, Florence, and Tuscany. I'll pull an Eat Pray Love stunt but only the EAT part. And of course a lot of shopping! And maybe find myself a hot Italiano!

I chose Italy because it's a country where my two loves are very famous: fashion + food. And no sane person would say no to a 2 month stay in Italy only doing shopping, eating, and doing whatever tourists do.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Reality and Fairytale

When I was a kid, living in a city like Manila is a fairytale for me. I pictured Manila as a dream because almost every local movie I've watched was filmed in this very wonderful city. I like the idea of walking along the busy streets of the metro, the hustle and bustle of a big city. The skyscrapers are a site to behold for me, compared to the never ending fields and coasts that I always see from my hometown.

But now that I'm older and has been living in Manila for half a decade the tides have changed, Manila became my reality and my little coastal hometown has become my fairytale. I always looked forward to going back to my hometown, I just can't get enough of the quiet and serenity of the place, it's an escape away from the hustle and bustle of the big city which I used to really love. And the fields and coasts that I used to hate feels like a birthday present for me everytime I see them, they just don't fail to put a smile not only on my face but in my heart.

Whoever said that the only constant thing in this world is change was right. And just because you like something now, it doesn't always mean that you'll still like it in a year or two. Maybe we humans don't just have that satisfaction. It's funny and ironic at the same time when I think about how I loved the city and hated my hometown back then, but now it's the other way around.