Sunday, August 30, 2015

Kristina Decided to Live

If you are one of the five readers of this blog, you would know that I am a huge fan of Paulo Coelho. A few days back I've re-read Veronika Decides to Die, it's the second book of Coelho that I've purchased and read. I first read it when I was just 20, and fresh out of college and I've re-read it now, a decade later. 

It talks about humanity and insanity, which in my opinion goes hand in hand. And of course about life and death. 

When I first read it, it didn't appeal to me as much as it does today. My twenty year old self had a hard time relating to Veronika, I just graduated that time and had so much expectations in life after school. I had all the drive a fresh college grad can contain in one tiny body. I was full of life, and Veronika ironically, already decided that she wanted to end hers. 

I didn't quite understand where Veronika was coming from, but now I can say that I do understand almost every inch of her. It's not like I've considered taking my own life. I can't bear even just the thought of it. And I'm scared of my mom, because she told me before that if I wanted to kill myself, she would kill me, as she's the one who brought me here on earth. Just think of it, you taking your own life and your mom "kills" you again for that. All I can think of is a double dead meat. 

Kidding aside, I never think of suicide as a solution to a problem. It is actually a problem for the people that you'll leave behind. Also, what if there is life after death? Where will I be? I can't be in a pit of fire for eternity, or whatever hell may turn out to be. And there's this thing called pride. Taking my own life will mean that I accepted defeat and that's the thing that I cannot live with. Pun intended. 

Veronika didn't think of these things when she decided to end her life. All she wanted was to end it. Period. I went through a phase in life where everything was just routinary. Every day was the same as the other. But I didn't let that be the reason to cease living. Instead, I strived hard to get off the routinary path. 

I was like Veronika during my teenage years, I did everything to make my family proud even if I wasn't fully on board with what they wanted me to do and become. Like her I started playing the piano at such a young age, I'm actually pretty good at it due to constant practice. But if I had the choice I would've learned to play the violin. My grandma also dragged me to ballet classes, good thing the school closed so I was off the hook after a year.  Because I would rather be locked in a closet reading books than wearing tutus and pirouette-ing amidst the judgy looks of mothers who thought that I couldn't dance to save my life. (But thanks to a year of it that I found balance and body rhythm.) Everything in my life then was already planned for: where I'll take my internship, graduation date, the place I'll be working after graduation, down to the date when I'll get my promotion. 

But after college, I've decided to deviate from the path that my family planned for me, and forged a new one for myself. I allowed myself to win some and lose some in the process and never took life seriously. Which is actually a good thing when you're in your twenties but in your thirties... Not so much. But let's not talk about it now. 

And unlike Veronika, I decided to cower to death and not face it head on. I'd rather let the universe decide for me, than choose the date on my death certificate.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

How to Battle Boredom 101

I've had a week to get settled before I start with my new job, in a new country. It's going nice for me, unless you count the nights that I couldn't sleep (jetlag is a bitch) and the time that I miss my family and friends.

I've been doing some "settling in" and adjusting and I think I just need to fake it some more to make it. I don't want to go the "touristy" way as I will be in this place for quite a while, that means I will have lots of time to explore. 

After I unpacked (within two days, it's a milestone for me!) and settled in in my new place I had nothing to do! I met some new friends who happen to be my next door neighbors, and who also work for the company that I'll be working for. But they work in the day and we only get to meet after work hours. So I've been left on my own during day time. To battle boredom these are the things that I've been doing:

1. Grocery shopping. (But don't get everything, so you'll have an excuse to go back the next day.)

2. Clean your entire place even if it's already immaculately clean. (You don't have OCD, you just need something to do.)

3. Don't buy coffee filters, you'll have a reason to get your fix at a nearest coffee shop and meet a cute barista. (Unfortunately, all baristas I've met are all girls.)

4. Ponder on how to look older. (You're lucky if you look younger than your real age, but it's awkward if you're constantly getting hit on by college boys. Not cool bro err kid.)

5. Eat tapas for breakfast with sangria. (By lunchtime you'll be in bed, sleeping.)

6. Plan your wardrobe for the entire month. (One week of wardrobe won't take much of your time, if needed, plan your wardrobe for the entire year.)

7. Bug your ex-coworkers/friends on viber or messenger while they are at work. (This will lessen your homesickness, big time!)

8. Plan your next trip home, even if it's a year away. (Planning always keeps you occupied.)

9. People watch in a coffee shop. (Who knows, you'll meet your Mr/Miss Right (now). Or maybe you'll meet new people who are as bored as you are.)

10. Read, write or blog. Whatever floats your boat.

New Chapter

It's been a whirlwind couple of months for me. I had, and still have a lot of things going on in my life. I made one of the hardest and at the same time the easiest decision in my life. The easiest was quitting the job that I felt was clipping my wings and the hardest was leaving the people that I've worked with who eventually became my closest friends. And I've also made a decision of leaving my country. 

I'm not a stranger to travelling as I've been doing it with my family ever since I could remember and when I was old enough to travel solo,  I've been unstoppable. Travelling every time I've got the chance: a long weekend, a week away from the hustle and bustle or even just an hour drive out of the city. I love having long drives with my friends but I also treasure solitude. 

I would go miles away from the city just to check-in in a hotel and sleep the entire time. And sometimes have staycation by myself. 

But moving to another country alone is different. It's a lot different from the time that I moved to Manila after college, I was still in the same country, same time zone with my family. Now it's different, I'm not going home any time soon and the time difference is kind of a pain. I'm just about to go to bed while my friends and family's alarms are going off to get ready for work. 

The time that I used to spend with my family and friends doing things is now constrained to chatting and video calling. I'm not complaining though, it's a choice that I made and no one pressured me to do it. And I just have to live with it, three years is not that long. And maybe by then I've already figured out what I want to do with my life.