Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Visual DNA


I got this forwarded message from a friend this morning:

"We can be happy anytime once we understand that the only place we'll ever find genuine happiness... is right inside us. Happiness begins at the point of acceptance: the point when we stop questioning why life can't be perfect and just accept the world the way it is."

I couldn't agree more with this. It seems very simple yet very complicated. It's hard, even harder. I myself is not even sure if I'll be able to get to the point of acceptance soon. There are still lots of questions on my mind, there are so many cobwebs on my room that I can barely see the light coming in from the outside of the window. But tell you, this is an improvement because last time my room was totally dark, there's more than enough cobwebs that blocked the light that goes in through my window.

I am not in a hurry, I know in time I'll be able to clear everything. After cleaning everything I'll have my walls repainted and a total make-over for my room and it'll be as good as new.

Just want to thank all the people who's been there for me since day 1, my mom, I owe you big time. Thanks so much, really appreciate it. And thanks Ryan for the message, I miss you!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Saturday

It's been a while since the last time I slacked off from work. So last Saturday I decided to do a little slacking, just the littlest slacking off from work. I worked just three hours and then by lunchtime I told my colleague that I would be taking half the day off from work since I've been working nonstop for 2 weeks, and when I say non-stop it means no RDs as in zero! After I went off from work, I met a friend to accompany her to the mall, then we had our late lunch out then I went straight home after. When I got home, I did a little tidying... just cleaned the major/obvious clutter. After de-cluttering I prepared my snack and got ready for a DVD marathon. I even turned off my phone so that I'll have no disturbances while I'm having my time alone. It was really fun doing those things on a Saturday instead of going shopping, which I see as a strenuous activity nowadays. Now that's weird... shopping is never strenuous, right? But trust me it's becoming strenuous and stressful when you're in the mall and drooling over so many things but you ain't got any money to spend. Now that's a headache and a heartache combined!

Anyway, I love spending days by myself. It's so quiet ad peaceful! I just love being with me! For many of you, my Saturday seemed to be uncool and boring, but I don't care 'coz all I had was fun! And nothing can beat a Saturday all by yourself cozying in your bed with nothing to worry about, even the outfit you should be wearing. And tell you, I also went down earlier than usual... I was already in dreamland at half past 9! That Saturday made me feel really better, I got enough sleep and I really felt good!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Second Most Expensive City in the World

I think I can never say "ahnnyonghaseo" this year. I've read it on Yahoo! that Seoul is the second most expensive city in the world. And that means that if I want to treat my mom for a trip to Korea I need to save more than I do. I really want to visit Korea, I want to see Jeju island, and the teddy bear museum there, I heard it is the largest (teddy bear museum) in the world. And I just love everything about Korea, hmmm maybe everything I saw on the Korean series that I've seen, I guess. Imagine how expensive is the cost of living in Seoul, living there is more expensive than living in San Francisco, LA, NYC even London or Paris! Haaayyyy... I just wish my mom or brother will bail me out in spending for the trip this year, it's my only chance to get there. But you know I would really like it and it would really mean much to me if I'll be paying for the trip because I never went to a trip that I've paid for (except for local trips/getaways which I often paid for myself but there were also times that I've asked my mom and bro for a little help). It would be an accomplishment for me being able to bring my mom to a place without her spending a cent... err she'll be spending a little too but not that much coz I want to pay for almost everything, except shopping.

I just wish that I'll be able to go to Korea if not this year... then someday... somehow....

Easily Stuffed

I am so not born for eat-all-you-can restos. Last week, my brother's friend invited me for a father's day dinner, of course that's with her dad. And you've guessed it right we went to an eat-all-you-can restaurant along West Ave. The food was so great! The only problem is that I can't eat that much... Before dinner, I already mapped out a plan which is getting only a little of every dish that I don't get to eat everyday. In fact, I went as planned but after eating only a little less than plateful I was already full. And when I say full I mean already bloated. I didn't get the chance to go back to the buffet table, it was so sad seeing all those sumptuous dish and not being able to take advantage of all the food that are being served. Sigh. My brother's friend and her cousins went to the buffet table more than thrice I think, but I only went there once. That is so sad man! And you can imagine me dragging myself to the dessert table, literally forcing to stuff some tasty desserts on my stomach. That was the first time that I didn't feel good eating desserts at all. It felt like any minute my tummy would burst open! It was really hard for me. I know what I did was sort of a gluttony but what can I do with all those tasty treats around me? And I was supposed to eat all that I can! I really don't know why I get easily stuffed these days, I used to be a monster when it comes to eating. What could have happened to me? Do you think there's something wrong with me? Anyway, after that dinner I only had one conclusion: I am not born for eat-all-you-can restos.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Trip to Baguio

Here are some pics that I have when we had this little unplanned trip to Baguio with my brother's friend. :D