Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Messed Up

I want to do many things this year, something that I haven't done in my entire life. Say bungee jumping, sky diving, whitewater rafting and the likes. For some who don't know me that much and have only seen me once or twice you'll never imagine that I'm that kind of person. Everyone's perception of me is that I'm the biggest dork they've ever seen! I don't look sporty nor dress up like one. I'm just your typical dorkerella, but deep inside me is an adventurer, a risk-taker (as long as the risk is not that much because I still believe in Spice Girls' "too much of something is bad enough"). But there are also some stuff I want to do that doesn't involve me breaking every bone in my body or drowning. I want to go and see the world. Meet people of different races, and try to live their life (way of living) for a while. I want to do so many things this year!

For starters, I want to read more books than last year. And so far I've read Amy Tan's Saving Fish from Drowning, reread Paulo's The Alchemist (I thought it was timely for the start of the year) and I'm starting to read another one, Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. And I got a lot of books lined up for the upcoming months. The down part is, when I'm at home I don't get to read anything aside from my monthly subscriptions of Cosmo, RDAsia, and other mags that have my favorite stars on the cover. And mind you, reading these mags is a challenge to me already because there's just so much to do at home like keeping my closet tidy, doing the laundry (yes i do that on my own now to save some cash), drawing/sketching, watching movies (which I've been doing lately, averaging 2 movies a day) and of course the most important thing *drum roll* sleeping! So it's really tough to keep up with the things-i-wanna-do thingy.

And just like now, I've planned to continue reading the book but the computer and internet tandem is really a temptress! So now I ended up closing the book and blog! And speaking of blog I also want to change my blog's look but I just don't have the time now to make a new header. Sigh. I am pretty messed up. I need time-management tips (and can you also toss some financial management tips on the side?) pronto!

Since I'm pretty messed up... let's make this entry messed up too. And here's a segue to the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella, they have a film version of it and will be realeased next month. I am not really excited about this movie because they made Becky Bloomwood all-American! She can't be! The Becky Bloomwood I know is bloody BRITISH as well as Luke and she shops at Harrod's not Barney's (not until she went to NYC)! I just can't get over it, Becky is supposed to be in London because New York is Lizzie Nichol's! Whatever !I'm still watching it! Just want to have a few good laughs. I miss watching chick flicks these days.

Speaking of chick flicks, I finally picked my favorite stars. It's a triple tie! Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz and Kate Hudson. I figured they are my favorite because during my christmas vacay most of my days were spent watching every movies of these three ladies. I really, really want to be friends with them! I'm pretty messed up like that! Hahaha! And they're not just funny on movies, even in real life. You should watch Cam and Kate's tv show guestings, really funny!

Ok enough of this crap. I promise I'll post something better than this next time. Ok I take that back, I won't promise, I'll just try. Ciao!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Year Update

It's been a year since the last time I was here. Yeah, it's already 2009 so there. I wouldn't dish about how I spent the holidays because I can't really remember all the details because I was either asleep or drunk! Just kidding (although partially true). But I'm certain of one thing... it was one of the best holidays of my life, I swear!

Anyway, I already got back to work a week ago but it's just now that I felt updating this blog since it's really outdated. This year I won't make any resolutions because I am also certain that I won't be able to live with it for the whole year. SO it just make sense that I just don't make any promises to others and to myself, specially. But new year's resolution aside I am or I will try to be always on time for work. Six working days have gone by and I only had one tardy and it was only a minute! Woohooo! I am doing great so far. I am also trying my best to stay fit and healthy so now for lunch break I am only going to have 2 packets of soda crackers and water. I think I still sounded like making my new year's resolution... Anyway, it doesn't matter because I didn't sign any contract regarding these.

By the way, I just finished reading
Amy Tan's Saving Fish From Drowning and I like it! It's fun and funny! :) And I just watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button today and it really made me cry. I hate you Brad and Cate you made me cry and look at my eyes now! They are so puffy! I like the screenplay, better than Fitzgerald's short story. The film made me realize that we don't have to judge a person because of his/her decisions because at the moment it might hurt us and feel really bad about life but in the future we'll realized that what we thought a bad decision was a great decision after all.

So there... I hope you'll watch the movie and read the book that I have just watched and read.