Friday, December 31, 2010

A Brand New Year 2011

This is it! 2010 finally reached its end. So long 2010, and hello 2011. But before we officially move on to the new year, (people from this part of the planet, we still have 18 hours left) I want to look back on how the year has been to me. No great milestones as you can obviously see I didn't get married, got myself pregnant or arrested. ☺

2010 generally speaking is quite an easy year for me. I got almost everything that I wanted, and I'm only strictly speaking of material things. And I even had the whole summer off from work. I made  a lot of new friends this year, but sadly I also got rid of few of the old ones. Honestly, I never wanted them out of my life but given the circumstances, I think I'm better off. Also I made it out of an almost-relationship unscathed. I also visited places that I've never been before in my entire life. And this year I only got myself drunk twice. Wait. Is that really worth blogging? Moving on. I'd like to think that I got past my hemophobia (extreme and irrational fear of blood) by watching some TV series, but maybe because I always tell myself that those aren't real. But still, it's a step. Also this year I haven't gone into more than 2 ankle accidents, which I had 6 last 2009. I have very weak ankles you know. And I also visited my family in the province this year.

I know I've been blogging about leaving my job hundreds of times but look at me, still here, hanging on. I won't think about quitting anytime soon, but I'll know when the time is right. Also they said that new year is the time for resolutions but I stopped making one a few years back since I always end up not doing them at all. So all I want to do this 2011 is live each day to the fullest. My mantra is "live like there's no tomorrow", (yes, I know that's a Selena song just zip it) and let's see where that line would get me. Hope not in the delivery room or worst the Police station.

Have a happy new year everyone! Only positivity for 2011!

PS stay safe on new year's eve. You don't want to be a limb less this 2011, do you? ☺

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Past Life Relived

I read about past life regression yesterday while browsing through the blogs that I subscribed to, my sleeping interest and intrigue on the subject was instantaneously awakened. I remember watching a movie when I was a kid, I don't recall the title of the film but I know it involves regression and hypnosis of the protagonist. Also, there was this Charmed episode where the three sisters had to relive their past lives.

I haven't had any regression session or whatsoever you call that process. But I forced myself to believe that I know what my past life was.

I was a female warrior, somewhere in South America, I was one hell of a warrior. I was trained by my father who won a lot of battles for our tribe. Don't get the wrong impression, I'm not one of those who believed that they-were-princesses-in-their-past-lives crap. I was just a daughter of a tribe defender, of a great soldier and my mother was a healer, who runs her own apothecary.

I was born in a big family, I had 5 siblings, and I was the youngest. (I always like being the youngest of the family) When I reached 16 I joined the army, and fought for our tribe with my life. Everyone said that I had the skills of my father and charms of my mother, it was the perfect combination. When I turned 20, the chief of our tribe appointed me to be one of the commanders of the army.

Then one day we were camping out at the shores of what is now known as Säo Paulo, preparing for a battle with another tribe who threatened to eat us alive if we don't give them our lands.

While I was out of camp, hunting for some game for lunch, I didn't notice that I wandered deep down to the forest. I was so absorbed in the beauty of the rainforest. The folliages, the pretty flowers in every color you could imagine, the trees that seemed like their branches were about to break due to the abundance of fruits, the sound of the birds singing and the most majestic waterfalls I've ever seen in my entire life. I felt like I was in paradise.

Every morning I made my way to the forest. Nobody ever asked where I was or have been since I always went at crack of dawn so no one would notice and went back to camp before noon. I had the same routine for more than a couple of weeks as we always camped a little over a month in one place. Then there was this one time when I went to the forest and just about to dip at the falls, I heard something, a crack of a branch. I automatically readied my spear, aiming at where the sound came from. I was ready to throw when a crying boy appeared and pleaded me not to hurt him. He looked harmless, he was a little boy, about 10. He said his name was Diego, and he was lost. We talked for a while until we heard someone calling out his name. He said it was his older brother, Leon, probably looking for him.

The three of us met daily by the falls, and I've known that they were members of the tribe who were threatening us. But they were different and not barbaric like most of their tribe. Then one day, one of their tribesmen saw the three of us and told their chief that Leon was a traitor and they held Diego captive as punishment and he eventually died of starvation in captivity. Leon was so devastated that he ran away and went to our camp. My tribesmen didn't approve of him, as they thought that he was a spy. I told them that I am quitting my position as their commander if they don't trust my judgement. And so I quit, my father wasn't happy with my decision. He let me choose between my family and Leon. And I chose Leon. We ran away from our lands and never came back.

There goes my past life! I'm sorry if I'm being too hollywood with my story, I just wanted it to be epic, as opposed to the ho-hum life I'm living at this moment.

(And there goes the wasted two-hour company time)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

You're so High School!

I got invited by a friend from high school for coffee . Though I'm not sure if we were really friends back then, he was more like my high school crush for 3 years. I was very discreet about him being my crush so he didn't know until we got to college, my friend dated his friend and since we were already 'adults' they decided that it was ok to out me on the guy.

Anyway, long story short, he knows. We both went to different universities, but we had a chance to meet up once or twice I think, I didn't really keep track.(I already had a different crush that time ☺). And recently, we reconnected again through facebook, exchanged our contact numbers and that was it. We never texted, not until today. He told me that he has a conference here in the metro and wants us to meet up. I don't know if I'm just being paranoid, but I feel like he thinks that he can just magically sweep me off my feet. I can feel this confidence in him. But hey its just me. But just so you know, just because I liked you back then, it doesn't mean I like you now. And truth is, I never really know why I even liked you.

So I think, I'll just pass on that coffee, for now. Sorry. ☺

Friday, November 5, 2010


I was browsing the local news' website and found out about Korean actress *Lee Da Hae imitating and mocking(?) the way Filipinos speak English. Honestly, I'm not affected in any way. Seriously, we Filipinos should lighten up! Every time the Philippines or Filipinos are mentioned in any international media we all can't contain our rages especially when we think that we or our country is being mock in any sort of way. We Filipinos are known to be sensitive people, we empathize and sympathize but I think we've gone to the point of being over sensitive. 

If you watch the video of Lee Da Hae it wasn't degrading to us, at all. She was just trying to entertain the viewers. Whether we admit it or not, at certain points of our lives we tried mimicking accents of different countries, and most of the time we exaggerate. Of that I am guilty. And I tell you when I'm with my friends I take on different accents and we all have a good laugh about it after. 

And even Filipinos especially those from the provinces of Visayas and Mindanao (like me) are not spared from the mockery. We are being represented stereotypically on television and movies, the very thick visayan accent, the provincial innocence, and the "manang" (oldmaid-ish) clothes. And you even coined a name for us, the promdis. But I tell you this, NOT all Filipinos out of Luzon are like those you portray on TV and movies. But do you hear us complain? No! Because we are better than that and we know how to differentiate real and reel. And who are we to take away your happiness? As we all know that sterotyped promdis are funny!

So please stop all the hating. Let's not forget that we Filipinos are also known to be happy people. So let's focus on it, let's just have a good laugh about it for a second or two and get on with our lives like we always do.

*Lee Da Hae is known for her role in the Korean series, My Girl

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I'm in love...

... with cardigans!

I've been in love with them since I had my first one. I got it back in high school, it was given to me by my maternal grandmother. It was so pretty that my mom and I shared it, we took turns wearing it! And up to now, I'm still addicted to cardigans, not just cardigans but to jackets in general. It's not like I get cold easily because I live in Manila where the temperature gets hotter than a sauna sometimes. Its just that cardigans/jackets add oomph to a really boring outfit! And I can just wear a plain tank top to work, granting that I have a cardigan on. It can turn a very casual outfit to something, business-y, and it can also turn a formal/cocktail dress to something casual! 

Cardigans are very versatile! So, to prove a point I made these looks from Honestly, I wasn't thinking of proving a point while making these looks, I just needed something to do to kill time. ☺

Anyway, here are the 3 looks I made using the trusty cardigan that I love.

A sparkly skirt and top is toned down by the cardigan to make it look casual, you can wear it to work or to the mall, then if you want to have a few drinks at a bar near the office just take off the cardigan and you're good to go!

You can getaway wearing a tank top to the office with a cardigan on. I use this trick when I can't think of anything to wear. I just put on a top, skinny jeans and cardigan and voila you have a smart casual look!

And the last look, you can wear it to a weekend getaway! Admit it, the outfit is just not complete without the cardigan, right?

So there you go... these are just some of the reasons why I love cardigans!

Monday, October 4, 2010

World Teachers' Day

Today is world teachers' day. I just wanted to take time to thank all the teachers in the world. They say that teaching is the noblest profession, and I 100% agree to that. Teachers are behind all professions, there will be no doctors, lawyers, engineers and other professionals if it weren't for them. They are our second parents, often times, kids, especially kindergartens and primary schoolers believe everything what their teachers say more than their parents. Teachers are a big factor to who or what we all become.

I can still remember all of my teachers, except maybe for my teacher in kindergarten since I only went for a couple of days or so. My mom said that I "quit" kindergarten because I said the lessons are just so easy and "paulit-ulit" or were done repeatedly which was for the benefit of the slow learners (sorry, I just can't find the right word to describe) which I didn't  know back then.

My favorite teachers were:

  • Mrs. Zenaida Sayson, we call her Ma'am Zenny she was my teacher in first grade. She was just so sweet to everyone in my class and she always find ways to keep the class alert and happy.
  • Ms. Judith Lagoy, she was our substitute teacher in grade 4. She was a fresh grad, very pretty and very full of energy.
  • Ms. Derbie Geronimo and Ms. Fe Jandugan, our Science teachers in high school, they were the not-so-friendly teachers, my classmates would all agree to that but I still love them. Maybe because Science is one of my favorite subjects and I really learned a lot from the two of them.
  • Mrs. Ludivina Salazar, she's my English teacher in HS, and my class adviser for 2 consecutive years (2nd and 3rd year), she was literally our "Mother of Perpetual Help", she was always there for us, her students, even when we were almost disowned by our school because our batch was the worst (their word) ever.
  • Ms. Filsie Bualan, our PEHM teacher. She was pretty and very cool, and she has the prettiest hands! She's also a very good listener, she listens to all my rantings and musings. Until now we still talk to each other every once in a while.
  • And I was in love with so many of my college professors, I can't name them here one by one because I love almost all of them except for 5, I think. About those 5, I don't hate them personally I just hate the courses that they were teaching, especially the very scary Math subjects!
And I will never forget the teachers in my family, my maternal grandparents are both retired public school teachers, my aunt Ida and my mom who are public school teachers. 

This blog entry is not even possible without you teachers out there. So to all the teachers in the world happy teachers' day to all of you. We owe you a lot!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lost In Space and Everything Else

I posted this entry 5 years ago here : I'm posting this now because it describes exactly what I'm feeling now.

 This has been going on for the last couple of weeks. I felt like a zombie, hollow inside and been trying to drown myself with all the noise around me. I party hard just to forget this thing and it sucks! My system craves for wine and beer hoping it will dilute whatever trace of boredom and depression I had in me but to no avail. I felt like a miniscule particle floating in this god forsaken space with no direction and been bumping around on many obstacles that scar my already jaded mind. Ha! If it’s a fact of life that end with a K then it really sucks!

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

Saturday, September 25, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 29

I won't be telling you when this exercise should've ended because I can't. I lost track, this is way long overdue. If this were a utility bill I would have been charged 30% more. Great thing it's not, so no additional charges here.

Anyway, day 29: In this past month what have you learned?

 Procrastination at its best!

Aside from my procrastination magnified? Wait... I think I learned to share some of the things that I rarely or never talk about. And I did know myself better. I somehow got an idea what I want and do not want. Although most of those are just petty and silly little stuff but those define who I am. As a person. So love me, or hate me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 28

A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

March 2009

September 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 27

Why are you doing this 30 day challenge?

At first I think that it would be fun doing this stuff, and aside from that I get to blog each day for 30 days without running out of something to blog about. 

But because I am just me, and I always procrastinate, it took me this long to get to day 27 when in fact I would have been done 6 days ago.

Even though I'm way too late, I'll just catch up with the remaining days and finish what I started. ☺

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 26

What do you think about your friends?

One sentence. They're the BEST!

Monday, August 30, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 25

What I would find in your bag?

Today, what you'll find in my bag are: my phone, mp3 player, my kikay kit, pens, coin purse, company ID, data cable, umbrella and Vicks inhaler. These are th stuff that I bring to work everyday, except for the inhaler (I'm having stuffy nose now). And I rarely bring my wallet to work because I get off at 4AM and I'm just avoiding the unspeakable possibilities if I bring my wallet with me.

Will post a picture later. ☺

Friday, August 27, 2010

I am Woman

This is my current LSS!

The song is self explanatory. ☺

Go Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 24

A letter to your parents

For Mama:


I'm missing you now. I missed the days when you're here in Manila, our endless talks about everything. The way you rub my back so that I can sleep during my sleepless nights. And how you'll call me and ask me to meet you at the mall after I get off from work. Our pig out moments, our shopping together. I miss the little things we do together. I miss you momma. I hope to see you soon.

Te amo.


For Papa:


The last time we saw each other all I ever said to you was "hi", and I really regret it. I hope a day will come when you'll call me or I can call you and we'll have coffee or something. I really missed you. And one of the reasons that I don't visit you it's because I'm jealous of my half siblings, they are so much closer to you. It pains me knowing that you tuck them to bed and kiss them goodnight. I'm also jealous because they get to spend time with you, and our communication is limited to text messages for special occasions like Christmas, new years and birthdays. I really hope we're going to be ok, someday, somehow.

Love Ann

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 23

Something you crave for a lot.

I crave a lot of food especially when it's almost the time of the month.

But I've been craving for frozen yogurt for forever, haven't had one for over a week now. And I think that this is the longest that I've gone without it. If I would wish for one thing this Christmas,  I would wish to have a yogurt machine at home. So I'll have unlimited supply of frozen yogurt in the comforts of my own home.

I'm also a chocoholic, and I don't want to go to rehab. Even if it's bad for my peptic ulcer, but still. I love chocolates. No explanations needed.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 22

What makes you different from everyone else?


But since we're on it I think I'm different because I am ME, flaws and all.

I may have fibbed a thousand times, but I am not the the type of person that will abandon a family or a friend in times of need.

I am different because I don't stick to the status quo. I deviate. Sometimes I think I'm bipolar in some ways. I like different things at the same time. I have no pattern, deciphering me is like reading an Anne Rice novel.

I may be the only person in the world that can't stand the smell of peanut butter but loves to eat peanuts. I don't eat egg yolks, liver and squash just because.

Often times, I'll be the biggest dork you'll ever know, but I can also be cool if I wanted to. I think the phrase that best describes me is that "I am anything but ORDINARY".

Sunday, August 22, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 21

A picture of something that makes you happy.

I am kind of shallow in terms of happiness. Little things make me happy.

Being in a bookstore makes me happy. I love the idea of finding new books to read. And just the smell of the new books is like morphine to me. Although it kinds of trigger my allergies.

A clothing store, especially a ZARA store. It's like Christmas for me! I love that their designs are so much like the high end brands but of course it's way cheaper.

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 20

Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

Honestly, I haven't thought about marriage, yet. If I had the choice, I won't be getting married within the next five years. For starters, I don't have a boyfriend. And besides, I still want to accomplish many things in my life so maybe I'll think of settling down when I finally got what I really wanted in life. And what I really want? It's yet to be discovered. ☺

Friday, August 20, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 19

Nicknames you have; why do you have them?

I have lots of nicknames! Not lots, lots, but I think I have at least 5.

Ann - what my family calls me

'ga - (from the Visayan word "pangga" means love) is what my mommy (my grandmother) calls me.

Tin - what most of my friends call me. For the most obvious reason, it's a shortened version of my name.

Tinox - the nickname I got from my college buddies, I don't know why they call me that.

Kriann - the nickname I made for myself as there are lots of Kristins (no matter the spelling difference but sounded the same) during my (I.T.) college years and it stuck till now.

KRISTINA - I'm kind of scared when my mom calls me this name, it only means one thing... I'm in big trouble!

Badids/Badiday - my father's family nicknamed me this, they said that when I was little I had very big/loud voice, I think until now I still do. Anyway, they said that I sounded like the late Inday Badiday. So the nickname.

Chelsea - what the people from my first job calls me, this was my American name. And it kinda stuck (also).

Thursday, August 19, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 18

Plans/ dreams/ goals you have.

I have no concrete plans just yet, but I'm already planning of quitting my job early next year. I think the I.T. world is not my cup of tea, never was. I already talked to my mom about the possible things I want to do next year. I would start a small business with my other girl cousins. They're both fresh out of college and doesn't like the idea of working for someone else. But they are oozing with fresh ideas and confidence.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 17

Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why?

This is a toughie, sounds like a question you'll be asked if you're a finalist of a beauty pageant.

Well I would say that I would love to have Carrie Bradshaw's life, but she's a fictional character so she's off the choices.

Then I browsed through iamalexa's blog and found that she would want to be Olivia Palermo for a day, one of the girls of The City. Then I instantly thought of Lauren Conrad.

She's more my age than Carrie Bradshaw. I would have liked to be Olivia but the way the City portrays her on the show, she's kind of a bitch to Whitney.

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 16

Another picture of yourself (baby pic)

This entry made me wish I was back at home in the province I got lots of cute baby pics (I was a cute baby!) Whoever disagrees... well you can't do anything as this is my blog. ☺

Anyway, I don't have my baby picture with me but this will suffice, I think. Oh god! This is shameful! Hahaha!

Look at those Daisy Dukes (the shorts), I was already sporting those even way back then! The laced socks and Mary Janes and the dangling earrings! And don't get me started with the bangs! Hahaha! I think this was taken at MU, when my mom was taking up her second course B.S.Ed.

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 15

Put your ipod on shuffle and 1st 10 songs that play.

Won't Go Home Without You - Maroon 5
This Photography is Proof - Taking Back Sunday (Spiderman OST)
Down - Jay Sean
Tricky Angel - Natasha Bedingfield
Headlight Disco - The Click Five
Only Young - Bowling For Soup
Don't Let Me Stop You - Kelly Clarkson
How Does it Feel - Keri Hilson
Karma - Alicia Keys
Down For the Count - Bowling For Soup

My song choices are very broad, you can't really tell what I'm really into. But since Bowling For Soup surfaced twice, I think it kind of tells you something. ☺

Monday, August 16, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 14

A picture of you and your family.

My family is comprised of my mom, my brother and me. I'm not being bitter or anything, I'm just stating facts. My dad and mom separated when I was in 3rd grade and he already have his own family now, so it's just right that I only consider the 3 of us as a family.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 13

A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

Ok, this was supposed to be posted YESTERDAY! I'm quite surprised myself that it took me 13 days to fold and miss a post. It's a sign of progress! Right?

Anyway, thinking about the exercise for Day 13, I think I subconsciously knew that I don't need to do the exercise because no one has hurt me recently. Well, there's someone but I know that it was just a petty issue.

So, for the spirit of doing this 30 Day blog thingy I'm going to post something, different. I'm going to write a letter to someone who made me really happy recently. It's timely because I just got the note that I've been waiting for yesterday.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 12

How you found out about blogger and why you made one?

I found out about Blogger through my officemate, Jerryl. He introduced me to Blogger, but before Blogger I already started blogging through Friendster Blogs (I know so old school!). So, I just transferred from Friendster to here. But the reason I started blogging on the first place is just I want to have a journal or something like it so that my friends who are far from me can keep up with my life, the way I keep up with theirs through their blogs.

Friday, August 13, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 11

Another picture of you and your friends.

I really miss you gels! These are the people that I met on my first real job. They are truly for keeps! I miss our daily/nightly parties! Our not-so-drunk-but-not-so-sober trips to Baguio and Tagaytay. I miss having tequila shots and bull riding with you. We should meet soon.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day10

Songs you listen to when you're happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad. I should say that this is the hardest. I can't decide what song for what mood.

I practically listen to every genre, except for boybands, they are my biggest no-no! Anyway, I'll give this exercise a try. Just a TRY.

When I'm happy I listen to any upbeat music: it doesn't matter if it's alternative, pop or country. But thinking about it now I think I listen to Natasha Bedingfield's Pocketful of Sunshine album, it's all about positivity baby! When I'm sad, I listen to Augustana, their songs just express how I really feel.

When I'm bored I listen to Bowling For Soup they just have the perfect songs for a perfectly boring day! And instantly I will be able to forget my boredom and just sing and smile with the BFS guys.

When hyped, I'd go for Imogen Heap, Colbie Caillat and Marit Larsen. The chillout melody of their songs make me feel relaxed. And I also listen to them when I'm cramming to meet a deadline. Their songs make me think clear and just slow down (in a good way).

When I'm mad... this I know a little too well. I listen to any hard core alternative song. The louder the better. I'm the type of person who just keeps quiet when I'm angry because I don't want to regret anything I say after the madness is over, so the loud songs kinda express what I really feel.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 09

Something you're proud of in the past few days.

Me, Jules and Juhai (now)

I am very proud of myself and my babies! Hahaha! We've been through a lot of stuff together and apart. But after 6 years, we finally got together again! And just like the good old times, we spent our time together eating! Nothing's changed with our friendship, (I think only our waistlines) we're still the crazy university students that we were before, and we still share the same love for food!

Jules, moi and Juhai ( circa 2002)

Thank you Julei and Juhai.
P.S. Sheena after 8 years, you are still missing from the picture. But love you still.

Monday, August 9, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 08

Short-term goals for this month, why?

As much as I don't want making a long list but I have to. There are lots of things that I want to finish/achieve for this month.

  1. Have time to get my hair re-bonded.
  2. Have a haircut.
  3. Finish my portfolio.
  4. Buy 5 books and actually finish it before the month ends.
  5. Book tickets for Ho Chi Minh City for my mom's birthday.
  6. Book tickets for Zamboanga for October.
  7. Save enough money! ☺☺☺

Sunday, August 8, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 07

A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

This is easy... I would say that it's my family in a blink of an eye. It's an almost automatic answer when you ask anyone. They molded me into who(ever) I am today.

And there's Carrie Bradshaw. She's my role model even though she had bad choices in the past, but still Carrie Bradshaw is CARRIE BRADSHAW! She's everyone's favorite pop culture female icon. And Carrie and the show itself made me want to live in the big city and do a SATC stunt.

And last but definitely not the least... Carrie Bradshaw won't be Carrie Bradshaw without the city. The city that never sleeps! You think it's a cliché but I LOVE NEW YORK CITY! I just love the picture perfect city and the fashion styles of the people who live there.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 06

Favorite superhero and why?

No doubt it would be Peter Petrelli! He's the coolest and super among all the superheroes in the world! He's a total package! He's ability is to adopt other people's powers or abilities. So technically he can do anything! And I mean ANYTHING! From flying, mind-reading, talking to machines and regeneration... Name it and Peter (will) have it!

Friday, August 6, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day05

A picture of somewhere you've been to:

This was taken last summer at the Moonbay Marina in Subic. This is probably the best summer get-away ever! We stayed there for a couple of days, went to a lot of beautiful places, ate all kinds of food and partied the whole night even if it was during holy week.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 04

A habit that you wish you didn't have.

On a serious note I would say that procrastination is the habit that I wish I didn't have. I know for a fact that it would get me nowhere. Like this 30 day thingy, I was supposed to start on the 1st of August but as usual I procrastinated so I ended up starting it a day after.

And of course there's impulsive buying of stuff that I don't really need. I avoid the mall lately because I can't leave the mall without buying something, anything. So to avoid my impulsive shopping I also avoided the mall altogether.

And lastly I think my obsession with nail polish, I changed the polish on my toenails like every 3 days so now I'm stuck with yellowish toenails.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

KristinAtilano in 30 Days - Day 03

A picture of you and your friends..

I mentioned before my friends and I used to post a lot of pictures of them. But I don't have decent and recent pics of them. So I'm going to introduce you to some of my cliques. The cliques that I can relate to even in real life.

Audrina, Whitney and Lauren

The girls from The Hills sans Heidi. Aside from their fashion styles, I also love the way they make Lauren portray the working student: studying at FIDM and interning for Teen Vogue at the same time and eventually working for People's Rev and whatever it is that she's doing now. And Whitney she's transformed from the LA girl to the big City girl. And how she's sashaying up the stairs of fashion.

Jenny, Serena, Nate, Vanessa, Blair, Chuck & Dan

The famous Upper East Siders and the Brooklyn babes and boy. I just can't get enough of their drama, their fabulous closets and the upper class lives that they live.

Spencer, Emily, Hanna and Aria

The girls from Prettly Little Liars, it's not that I can relate to this show because my bestfriend was murdered (god forbid) or that I was an accessory to the crime or something like that. But I just like the way they stick together, even if they're not really besties anymore but they're still there for each other.

So there are my top 3 TV friends! ☺