Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Saturday

It's been a while since the last time I slacked off from work. So last Saturday I decided to do a little slacking, just the littlest slacking off from work. I worked just three hours and then by lunchtime I told my colleague that I would be taking half the day off from work since I've been working nonstop for 2 weeks, and when I say non-stop it means no RDs as in zero! After I went off from work, I met a friend to accompany her to the mall, then we had our late lunch out then I went straight home after. When I got home, I did a little tidying... just cleaned the major/obvious clutter. After de-cluttering I prepared my snack and got ready for a DVD marathon. I even turned off my phone so that I'll have no disturbances while I'm having my time alone. It was really fun doing those things on a Saturday instead of going shopping, which I see as a strenuous activity nowadays. Now that's weird... shopping is never strenuous, right? But trust me it's becoming strenuous and stressful when you're in the mall and drooling over so many things but you ain't got any money to spend. Now that's a headache and a heartache combined!

Anyway, I love spending days by myself. It's so quiet ad peaceful! I just love being with me! For many of you, my Saturday seemed to be uncool and boring, but I don't care 'coz all I had was fun! And nothing can beat a Saturday all by yourself cozying in your bed with nothing to worry about, even the outfit you should be wearing. And tell you, I also went down earlier than usual... I was already in dreamland at half past 9! That Saturday made me feel really better, I got enough sleep and I really felt good!

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