Saturday, January 3, 2015

Are you Content?

If you asked me this six months ago, I would've automatically answered with a big NO. But nothing is really written in stone in this world, except for those stuff that are actually written in stone. And a person's perspective changes just like the tides or the course of the wind. Since I am being asked now, my answer is a big YES with three exclamation points and a smiley face to boot. 

I am contented with what I have, but if you ask me if I wanted more? Who am I to say that I don't? I won't be this big hypocrite who will say that they are contented with what they have and just stay the same way forever. As I've said, the world is constantly changing and we have to keep up with it. 

I'm loving everything that's happening in my life, regardless if it's good or bad. I am the biggest cliche believer of "everything happens for a reason" and that everything you did in your life has led you to this very moment. In that note, I am going to do everything in my power to accomplish whatever it is I am bound to do on this earth.

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