Monday, January 5, 2015

Last Major Accomplishment

Did I mention getting into Fashion School and actually acing it? Oh, I did! So now I am racking my brains of anything major aside from that... Now I have one! It is climbing the Mountain Province, it's been on my travel bucket list since I watched a local movie that was filmed there. 

Getting there is already a challenge, as it takes half a day travel time. And the road is even more challenging as it is an endless uphill/downhill traverse on a mountainside. Plus it is also an endless road of sharp curves and bends and did I mention cliff-sides? Oh well, I am pretty sure it isn't a trip for the fainthearted. Because if you are one, I'm positive you're gonna need a bypass by the time you get to your destination which is a town called Sagada.  Sagada is located atop the almost highest peak of the Mountain Province and it will literally leave you breathless! It is very scenic and idyllic. If I were a country girl, I would gladly file for retirement and spend the rest of my days there. 

PS When I am not feeling like my uterus killing me I will post pictures from my trip.

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