Thursday, January 1, 2015

Ultimate Goal for this Year

I don’t usually have a specific goal for each year, I just normally wing it. And so far, I am doing just fine. I stopped making resolutions a long time ago, because it just makes me sad at the end of the year when I look back and get hit in the face that I haven’t accomplished any of my New Year’s resolutions. It makes me feel irrelevant and a total slacker, which is kind of true but I don’t want it to be rubbed on my face.

This year is different though, I am going to make a plan. A concrete plan that is, and pray that I’ll be able to carry it out as planned. (Pun and pun intended) I have this elaborate plan for my 30th, and by elaborate I meant I am going to buy a plane ticket to Munich and wing it from there. Although I only have 20 days to spend wherever in the 26 countries in Europe, I will definitely make the most of it. And my only goal when I accomplished my first goal of spending my birthday there is to make a lot of friends. I have this need (yes, need) to make a lot of friends from different countries, because I am very fascinated with different cultures. I want to know their history, how they live their daily lives and hopefully experience it firsthand but if not I can always live vicariously through them. My love for travel stemmed from my first love, which is history and culture. It has always been my favorite subject in school along with Sciences (except Physics because for me it’s not Science, it is definitely Math) and English. I have been interested on how the world civilization began and how the world came to its present state.

This year, as usual I am going to make the most of it. By the end of 2015 I want to look back and say “this is my best year yet again”. No regrets, just loads of experiences. 

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