Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Home Alone Day 1

before kuya left for the airport

It's official! I am now 'home alone', my brother just left for the airport. He's leaving for Thailand with some friends. I just wish I could be there too, too bad I can't because of so many reasons. Reasons, reasons, reasons! I am thinking of something that I should do tonight since I don't have work. I thought about de-cluttering our place, but we just did that this morning. I don't know what will happen of me this week, I am not used to being alone anymore since my brother and I started sharing a place together. I must admit I became so dependent on him. He's the one who wakes me up to work and he also cooks our dinner. Now I haven't eaten my dinner yet. I don't feel like eating, no, it's more like I don't feel like cooking. Hehehehe. Maybe I'll just have my food delivered, or just have a sandwich for tonight. Oh my god it'll be a week or so before my brother gets back. I just wish I'll have better things to do while he's away. And I also fervently hope that I would be able to wake up early so that I won't be late for work.

For now, maybe I'll just watch some DVDs and maybe cook my dinner later when I get really hungry, just maybe though.

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