Friday, May 19, 2006

Wee Wee Weekend!

Yey! I'm just a few hours before my week will be over! Yippee! Isn't that great? I just love Fridays and Saturdays, it's because of the reason: my rest days! But honestly, I don't get to rest because during these times I'm out partying or just loittering around with friends or with family and also these are the times that I get to go shopping. Who said shopping is a destressor? Come to think of it shopping is tiring because it recquires a lot of thinking on what stuff are you going to buy specially when you're on the you're-not-that-rich-days (e.g. a week after allowance or payday), not only that shopping also recquires a lot of energy when carrying your shopping bags! See? I told you shopping isn't relaxing, but even though I love shopping still. (ang labo noh)

Anyway, here are my plans for the weekend:
(at no particular order)

1. First, I'll clean my room, fix my things... and re-arrange my stuff.

2. I and 2 of my teammates will be having a 'fieldtrip', we're going anywhere our feet would bring us. Hehehe. Seriously, we already have our itinerary in mind but I'm not going to tell you, somebody might jinx it. But I'll post it here if we'll pursue.

3. My brother and I will have a movie marathon this weekend. We often watch 3 movies a day. We're such movie buffs.

4. I'll go shopping, of course I never fail to do that even if I'm on my you're-not-so-rich-days and even though I swore a hundred times that I'll do this only twice a month, but I'm only human. What can I do a girl like me just loves shopping sooooooooooo much! Period.

I just wish 1 and 2 will be realized, but I think #2 does have 99% chances that will be realized because K'Anne told us that this must, rain or shine! On the other hand, #1 have 40% chances of being realized because just thinking about it now makes me feel really tired... Ahhhh... But #s 3 & 4 there's only 1% chance of... not coming true! Heheheh. I almost got you there.

Everyone, have a great weekend ahead of you! 'Hope we'll all have a blast! I'm just a very, very happy girl! Lalalalalalalalalala.. Weekends!

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