Friday, November 16, 2007

Nonsense Blabbing

I am sick. Why is it that every time the year's about to end I always get sick? Is it because all the stress and tensions that I have accumulated for the whole year have piled up, and my body or system or whatever you call it gives up? Duh, whatever the reason I just hate being sick.

First, I thought it was just swollen tonsils (I know it's called tonsillitis, but let's not get "medical", ok? :p) , after that I had fever then now I have cough and colds with recurring fever on the side! But I think one of the reasons I got sick is I lacked sleep for the past 2 weeks, I barely make 4 hours of sleep a day. There's just so much to do and so many places to go, can you blame me for that? And being sick made me realized that I'm no Super girl and my body needs to rest every once in a while.

Aside from being sick every time the year's about to end I also noticed something, my work schedule also changes, from night shift I'm now on the day shift, rather dawn shift because it starts at 5AM. How I loathe waking up and bathing in the wee hours of dawn, but I have no choice. Just like this morning, my alarm went off at 3:30 but of course I didn't get up right away, I waited for my second alarm which went off at 4AM. It's so hard to get up early these days, it's like raining non stop and the breeze is so cool. I just hate days like these when I have work, but when I don't... of course I'm loving it!

By the way, we're moving to our new place next Thursday. The place is a lot bigger than what we have now, and there's a very big bonus! We have a spacious walk-in closet! Yehey! I have space for all my stuff! I am so excited to move. I can't wait till Thursday. Hope I get well before we move to our new place. Please pray for me. :)

Anyway, need to get back to work now. I have so many things to do like watching some episodes of Heroes and Gossip Girl and playing Harvest Moon. Hahaha! I know I'm so lucky... but don't get so jealous... I start at 5AM, remember?


JGG said...

too early indeed, but its better than night shift. whatever. i havent experienced night shift..

well-written..this makes sense to me.. hehe.. btw, i will link you if you dont mind.

buenas dias!

Kriann said...

yeah, really early. :( but this morning i moved my sched to 6AM, I had a hard time getting up from bed because it was pouring so hard outside. I literally dragged myself out of bed just to be able to get to work.

thanks for visiting my blog and i'll link you up too! :)