Thursday, May 15, 2008

Heeby Jeebies

I received more than 5 messages yesterday about the earthquake 'forecast'. When in fact nobody or nothing can predict an upcoming earthquake. It's just so annoying, because earthquakes gives me the heeby jeebies and those messages reminds me of the time back in the province when we experienced an earthquake and I was like crying and screaming like crazy. I don't know but earthquake is my biggest fear... my hydrophobia, acrophobia and claustrophobia are just ants compared to my elephant fear of earthquakes. I don't really know why I freak out when I hear about earthquakes maybe it's because of something I watched from a movie when I was little. In that movie I saw the earth cracked open and all/most of the things living or not living were eaten alive (in living things' case). And also it's because of the stories my grandma told me about the earthquake in some parts of the country particularly the HYATT hotel in Baguio thingy.

It really gives me the goosebumps just remembering what I was told that took place there. And about those people who ate tissue papers and other non-edible stuff just to survive because they were trapped down low. God knows where and when will they be able to get rescued. OK, enough of this earthquake stories, I'm only rubbing more salt to the wound... Whatever. I just need to stop this blabbing.

The only thing that made me happy about this earthquake messages spreading around is that the least person I thought who would send me a message did sent me one! Even if it was the earthquake warning it felt so good knowing that he still cares. And it was my dad. I don't know but my earthquake fear yesterday was eased up by the message that I got from him. Thanks papa.

Anyway, got to rush. I'm meeting my mom and brother at the mall. I don't care if I won't be able to sleep today. I have all night to sleep tonight coz I'm off from work! Have a happy weekend to me! :)

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