Friday, December 27, 2013

Nicest Thing Someone has Ever Done for Me

The nicest thing someone (not including family and close friends) has ever done for me is offering me the last Paulo Coelho book at the bookstore. It was in 2007, four years after Mr. Coelho published Eleven Minutes. That time I just recently discovered his wonderful literary works. I’ve already read most of his books, nine to be exact except for the elusive Eleven Minutes. It was always sold out.

I remember that day, it was two days before my 22nd birthday. And it was the last book on the shelf. The guy got to the book first, and he saw my face dropped when I realized that I won’t be going home with the book yet again. Then he told me that he’s supposed to replace his sister’s copy because she lost it. Then he gave the book to me, telling me that his sister already read it and it probably meant more to me. I couldn’t contain my happiness! I was so ecstatic to finally be able to read the book. And I also told him that it’s my birthday soon so he wouldn’t regret giving me the book.

I find it as the nicest gesture by a stranger because if it were me, I wouldn’t care if it’s your birthday. Hahaha! I am really selfish when it comes to books. Thank god for nice strangers.

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