Monday, June 12, 2006

Last Ride For The Weekend Rollercoaster

This afternoon there was a silent war between my dad and me and my brother. Both of them (my dad and step mom) were giving us a cold treatment. My brother and I decided to leave the house early to avoid the two of them. When we passed at the pharmacy to tell them that we're leaving for work our dad asked me if what time is my schedule and I told him that its 11 o'clock and he also asked if could stay there for a while and talk about some matters. I thought it was about my coming home late last night, and I was also thinking that there must be something really that made them act that way, and it must be really serious. And when dad started talking, i found out that my brother and I were right. They were really having problem with their visa applications for Canada, its because I found out that they won't be able to leave the country without my mom's (my biological mother and the LEGAL wife) permission! They need her to sign a contract stating that they were separated a decade ago, and that they don't have business with each other's life anymore. An they want my mom to sign the contract ASAP, my mom approves of the idea but she's quite skeptical about it. She wants our dad to give us (my brother and i) the things that are just for us, as his legal children. And she's still thinking about the contract conditions up to now. There were so many issues raised to us by our dad, but the bottom line is still the contract!

Whew! Why can't they wait? They were the ones needing something, and I think they should or must learn how to wait! Be patient folks! And also they were making a big issue about me not coming with them to Canada. they were asking me so many times about it, and wanted me to think it over and over again but every after thinking about it i always have same answers "No, I'm not coming!". I really don't feel like staying in Canada for good, unless i have my brother and mother in tow, but my dad and his family? No thanks, i prefer living here in the Philippines. Or I prefer being exiled (studying) in Paris. I think when I'll get home later the atmosphere will be lighter, coz as you know they're asking us a favor. :D Heheheh Good luck to them, I don't wanna meddle with the issue, I'll just let my mom and brother decide about it. I'm definitely out of it! (But hey if I have to choose on which side to side of course it would be my mom's!) Shhh.. we'll keep it as our little secret ok?) :D

Anyway, I'm a drama princess no more... there's nothing to be sad about. Life's great! I ain't sourgraping, ok?

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