Thursday, November 21, 2013

This Week's Report

Day 15: The best thing that happened to you this week.

Since I'm basically 7 days late with this challenge, I'm just going to talk about the present week. This week, my cousins, friends and I helped out with the relief efforts for the victims of typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). We repacked hygiene kits as well as food packs for the thousands of families that were affected by the devastation. It was tiring but it was also fullfiling knowing we were able to make a difference even in our own little way.

Work-wise, it's practically the same every week. And it's still complicated. Yes, that's how I describe the relationship I have with my work. I have a love-hate relationship with it. And seriously, programming is complicated. It is the activity that cost me three quarters of my brain cells. So pardon me if I don't make sense most of the time or when I don't recognize you even if we see each other on a daily basis and we actually had interaction more than thrice. Please don't take it against me, take it against my diminishing brain cells.

And about that "thing", well... it's still a work in progress. ☺

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